In this post we will show a few ways to Make More Money With your Spotify Streams. A good way is to make your own playlist. The playlist should include other new and popular songs within your genre. People actually find these playlist and listen to them and as long as you're putting a few of your songs in the playlist as well people will end up listening to your music also. Another way is to make sure you're posting your spotify link on social media and ask feed for feedback on the song. People like to feel like they're input matters and they will be happy to help you. The best way is to ask feedback about something specific about the song. Dropping music on friday can be extremely powerful as well. When you do this it gives you a chance to be placed on the "New Music Friday Playlist. Just make sure all weekend you are pushing your song sas much as possible to as many peaple as possible. Spotify will see that a large abount of people are listenubg to your content and highly consider you for this playlist. Another great ways is to get on a Spotify Playlist. A great website to look into so you don't have to spend an abundance of time lookling for playlist to join is a website called This is a website you can go to that will show you a list of playlist you can submit to.